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Se disse hjemmesider om filosofisk vejledningspraksis internationalt set:


Væsentlige publikationer omkring filosofisk vejledningspraksis samt brug af en sådan samtaleform i forskellige relations-professionelle, uddannelses- og forskningsmæssige sammenhænge

Achenbach, G. (1987): Philosophische Praxis. Køln.

Achenbach, G. (1995): “Philosophy, Philosophical Practice, and Psychotherapy”. I: Essays on Philosophical Counseling (red. Lahav & Tillmanns). University Press of America.

Achenbach, G. (1997): “About the Center of Philosophical Practice”. I: Perpectives in Philosophical Practice - Collected Lectures (ed. Van der Vilst). Leusden.

Achenbach, G. (1998): “On Wisdom in Philosophical Practice”. Inquiry (Spring, Vol. XVII, No. 3).

Achenbach, G. (2009). Zur Einführung der Philosophischen Praxis. Schriftenreihe zur Philosophischen Praxis Band V. Verlag Dinter. ISBN 978-3-924794-55-2

Al-Shawi, H. (1998): A General Framework For Philosophical Counseling. (Paper uddelt på den fjerde internationale konference for filosofisk vejledning i Køln 1998.

Blass, R. (1996b): “The “Person” in Philosophical Counseling vs. Psychotherapy and the Possibility of Interchange between the Fields”. Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 13. No. 3: 279-296.

Boele, D. (1997): “Zen, Nietzsche and the Implicit Worldview in Philosophical Practice”. I: Perspectives in Philosophical Practice - Collected lectures. (ed. Wim van der Vlist). Leusden.

Boele, D. (1998): “The “Benefits” of a Socratic Dialogue. Or: Which Results Can We Promise?” Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, Spring, Vol. XVII, No. 3.

Boele, D. (1999): “The Art of Living: Philosophical Contributions to Psychotherapy”. The British Psychological Society. Psychotherapy Section Newsletter, No. 25 (June): 25-33.

Deurzen-Smith, Emmy van (1995): Eksistentiel samtale og terapi. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Deurzen-Smith, Emmy van (1997): Everyday Mysteries - Existential Dimensions of Psychotherapy. Routledge.

Deurzen-Smith, Emmy van (1999): “Existentialism and exisential psychotherapy”. I: Heart & Soul (red. Cris Mace). Routledge. 

Dræby, A. (2018). Livskunsten: Filosofien om at vågne op til livet. Kbh.: Akademisk forlag.

Fastvold, M. (2005). Beyond method, Anders Lindseth style: The quest to open up philosophical space in the consulting room. Journal Philosophical Practice Volume 1(3): 171-183.

Fleming, J. (1996): “Philosophical Counseling and the I CHING”. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 23: 299-320.

Fleming, J. (1997): “Philosophical Counseling and Asian Philosophy”.  I: Perspectives in Philosophical Practice - Collected lectures. (ed. Wim van der Vlist). Leusden.

Gørtz, K. (2007). Den filosofiske præstation: Kritik af den refleksive competence. Kbh.: DPUs forlag.

Hadot, Pierre (1995): Philosophy as a Way of Life - Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault. Blackwell.

Hadot, P. )2002). What is Ancient Philosophy? Harvard University Press.

Hansen, F.T. (2000): Den sokratiske dialoggruppe - et værktøj til værdiafklaring. Gyldendal.

Hansen, F.T. (2001c): “Eksistentiel voksenpædagogik som en filosofisk praksis”. I: Livslang læring og demokrati (red. Rahbek Schou). Gads Forlag.

Hansen, F.T. (2001d): “Existential Adult Pedagogy and Philosophical Counseling”. AGORA 10. CEDEFOP, Thessaloniki.

Hansen, F.T. (2002): Det filosofiske liv - et dannelsesideal for eksistenspædagogikken. Gyldendal.

Hansen F.T. (2004). Den filosofiske vejledningspraksis i spændingsfeltet mellem autenticitet, dannelse og eksistens. In FILOSOFI, Filosofilærerforeningen for Gymnasie og HF, No. 1, Februar.

Hansen, F.T. (2004). Pædagogisk filosofi som filosofisk praksis. In Anne-Marie Eggert Olsen (ed.) Pædagogikkens filosofi. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Roskilde.

Hansen, F.T. (2005): Behovet for eksistentiel refleksion i frivilligt socialt arbejde. In Henrik Frostholm (ed.) Uddannelse af frivillige - mellem kompetenceudvikling og dannelse. Center for frivilligt socialt arbejde, Odense.

Hansen, F.T. (2005). “The existential dimension in training and vocational guidance – when guidance counselling becomes a philosophical practice.” European Journal of Vocational Training, No. 34, April 2005

Hansen, F.T. (2005). Livsmening, tavs viden og filosofisk vejledning. In Peter Plant (ed.) Vejbred – en antologi om vejledning. Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag, Copenhagen.

Hansen, F.T. (2006). Dannelse er ‘at fatte Uendeligheden i Uvidenhedens form’. I: Dannelse mellem subjektet og det almene (Red. J. Lieberkind & B. Bergsted). Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag.

Hansen, F.T. (2006). Pædagogik som en filosofisk praksis. I John Rydahl (ed.). Etik og dannelse i undervisningen. Gyldendal.

Hansen, F.T. (2007). Philosophical Counselling – a hermeneutic-dialogical approach. In Ways – Essays on Career Counselling (ed. Peter Plant). Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitets forlag.

Hansen, F.T. (2007). Eros, Authenticity and Bildung as Keywords for Philosophical Practice in Teacher Training”. Paideusis - Journal of Canadian Philosophy of Education.

Hansen, F.T. (2008). At stå i det åbne. Dannelse gennem filosofisk undren og nærvær. Hans Reitzels forlag, København.

Hansen, F.T. (2009). Sokratiske samtaler – en vej til store indsigt, arbejdsglæde og “taktfuldhed” i socialrådgiverens arbejde? Unden for nummer – tidsskrift for forskning og praksis i socialt arbejde, juni 2009.

Hansen, F.T. & Amundson, N. (2009). Residing in silence and wonder: Career counseling from the perspective of ‘Being’. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IJEVG), Vol. 9, No. 1 (March).

Hansen, F.T. (2009) Philosophical Praxis as a Community of Wonder in Education and Professional Guidance. In Kenkmann, A. (ed.), Teaching Philosophy. London: Continuum.

Hansen, F.T. (2010). ”The Phenomenology of Wonder in Higher Education” i Malte Brinkmann (ed.): Erziehung. Phänomenologische Perspektiven. Königshausen & Neumann. Würzburg.

Hansen, F.T. (2010). Hermeneutisk praksis og undringens væsen og betydning i sygeplejen. Tidsskrift for Akademiske Sygeplejersker, nr. 2 Oktober 2010.

Hansen, F.T. (2011). Universitetets overordnede mål bør være at skabe frihed for ”åndens liv”. In Universitetsundervisning i det 21. århundrede. Læring, dannelse, marked (red. N. Bonderup & J.E. Feldt). Syddansk Universitets forlag, Odense.

Hansen, F.T. (2011). Den taktfulde vejleder – om at forblive ved vejledningens sag. I: Hansen, F.T., Peter Plant & Grethe Fogh Nielsen (red.). (2011). Vejledningsdidaktik. Forlaget Schultz, Albertslund.

Hansen, F.T. (2012). One Step Further: The Dance Between Poetic Dwelling and Socratic Wonder in Phenomenological Research. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology (ed. Kate Galvin). August 2012.

Hansen, F.T. (2012). Den eksistentielle fænomenologis særlige tone og musikalitet. I Hvad er eksistentiel fænomenologi?, Kurt Dauer Keller (red.). Aalborg Universitetsforlag.

Hansen, F.T. (2013). Finn Thorbjørn Hansen. In Philosophical Practice: 5 Questions (eds. J.B.Ladegaard Knox & J. K. Berg Friis). 5 Questions Series, Automatic Press/VIP.

Hansen, F. T. (2014). Kan man undre sig uden ord? Design- og universitetspædagogik på kreative videregående uddannelser. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitety Press. (548 side)

Hansen, F.T. (2015). Når undringen leder til en fyldt stilhed, der er værd at tænke over. LOGOS: Fagblad for Klassikerforeningen (Platon-selskabet), No. 3: 7-14. 

Hansen, F.T. (2015). The Call and Practice of Wonder: How to Evoke a Socratic Community of Wonder in Professional Settings, s. 217-244. In: Noah Weiss, M. (ed.), Socratic Handbook: Dialogue Methods for Philosophical Practice. Wien: LIT Verlag.

Hansen, F.T. (2015). The Philosophical Practitioner as a Co-Researcher. In: Practicing Philosophy, eds. Fatic, A. & Amir, L., pp: 22-41. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. (Peer reviewed)

Hansen, F.T. (2015). Om Wittgenstein som humorist og eksistentiel fænomenolog. Med stadig hensyn til Søren Kierkegaard. In: Kierkegaard som eksistentiel fænomenologi. red. / Mogens Pahuus; Jacob Rendtorff; Pia Søltoft. Aalborg University Press. (Skriftserie om eksistentiel fænomenologi; No. 2).

Hansen, F.T. (2015). Det sokratiske forskningsinterview: et alternativ til kvalitativ forskning forstået som ’vidensproduktion’. In: Metodefetichisme: Kvalitativ metode på afveje?, eds., Munk, K., Møller, J. & Bengtsen, S., pp. 173-192. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.

Hansen, F.T. (2016). Filosofien som det fjerde samtalerum i eksistentiel og åndelig omsorg. Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for palliativ medicin, s. 9-14.

Hansen, F.T. (2016). At undre sig ved livets afslutning: Om brug af filosofiske samtaler i palliativt arbejde. Kbh.:: Akademisk forlag. (339 sider)

Hansen, F.T. & Dinkins, C. S. (2016). Socratic Wonder as a Way to Aletheia in Qualitative Research and Action Research. In: HASER. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada, Nr. 7: 51-88. (Peer reviewed)

Hansen, F.T. et al. (ed.)(2017). 'At innovere med hjertet': Undervisning i undringsdrevet innovation og entreprenørskab i professionsuddannelser. : Afrapportering fra et aktionsforskningsprojekt i VIA University College (2013-2015).(225 sider). Open Access:

Hansen, F.T. (2017). Sokratisk og fænomenologisk-orienteret aktionsforskning: In: Dialogisk aktionsforskning i et praksisnært perspektiv, s. 93-144. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag.

Hansen, F. T. (2018) Facilitering af fænomenologiske undringssamtaler. In: Dialogisk procesfacilitering. Alrø, H., Dahl, P. & Billund, L. (red.). Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag, s. 121-140. (Peer reviewed)

Hansen, F.T. (2018). Undrings-dreven innovation i Vejle Kommune. Empirisk forskningsrapport. Vejle Kommune og Aalborg Universitet, August 2018 (218 side): Open Access:

Hansen, F.T. (2018). At møde verden med undren: Dannelse, innovation og organisatorisk udvikling i et værensfilosofisk perspektiv- Kbh.:: Hans Reitzel

Herrestad, H., Holt, A. & Svare, H. (2004). Philosophy in Society. Oslo: Unipubforlag.

Hunsinger, D.V.D. (1995): Theology and Pastoral Counseling: A New Interdisciplinary Approach. Forlag: William B. Eerdman.

Høffding, Harald (1916): Den store Humor. Gyldendal.

Jaspers, K. (1965): Hvad er filosofi? Haases Facetbøger.

Jopling, D. (1996): “Philosophical Counseling, Truth and Self-Interpretation”. Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1996.

Kessel, J., Boers, E. & Mostert, P. (2009). Frees pace: Philosophy in organizations. Amersterdam: Boom.  

Kirkeby, O.F. (2009). The New Protreptic: The Concept and the Art. Copenhagen Business School Press.

Knox, J.B.L. (2015). Thing in action, Re-thinking Life: Socratic Dialogue with People in Cancer Rehabilitation. PhD-dissertation, Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen.

Krohn, D. et al. (1999): Das Sokratische Gespräch. Möglichkeiten in philosophischer und pädagogischer Praxis. Frankfurt am Main.

Lahav, R. (1993): “Using Analytic Philosophy in Philosophical Counseling”. Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 10, No. 2.

Lahav, R. (1995a): “A conceptual framework for philosophical counseling: worldview interpretation. I: Lahav & Tillmanns (ed.)(1995): Essays on Philosophical Counseling. University Press of America: Lanham.

Lahav, R. (1995b): “We have hardly the beginning if anything at all”. (Michael Schefczyk interview med Ran Lahav).  Zeitschrift für Philosophische Praxis, 2, s. 4-7.

Lahav, R. (1996a): “What is Philosophical Counseling?”, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 13, No. 3: 259-278.

Lahav, R. (1996b): “Philosophy and the search for wisdom”. (Paper præsenteret på The Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, den 13. august.)

Lahav, R. (1996c): “Philosophical Counseling and Taoism: wisdom and lived philosophical understanding”. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23: 259-276.

Lahav, R. (1999): “On the Possibility of a Dialogue Between Philosophical Counseling and Existential Psychotherapy”. (Paper præsenteret på Den internationale konference for filosofiske vejledere i Oxford, januar 1999).

Lahav, R. (2016). Stepping out of Plato’s Cave: Philosophical Counseling, Philosophcal Practice, and Self-Transformation. Loyev Books.

Lahav, R. (2016). Handbook of Philosophical Companionship. Loyev Books.

Lahav & Tillmanns (ed.)(1995): Essays on Philosophical Counseling. University Press of America: Lanham.

Laurie, N. & Cherry, C. (2001): “Wanted: Philosophy of Management”. Reason in Practice - The Journal of Philosophical Management. Vol. 1, nr. 1.

Lindseth, A. (Philosophical Practice: What is at stake? In: Herrestad, H., Holt, A. & Svare, H. (2004). Philosophy in Society. Oslo: Unipubforlag.

Lindseth, A. (2005). Zur Sache der Philosopphischen Praxis. Verlag Karl Alber.

Lyall, D. (1995): Counseling in Pastoral and Spiritual Context. Open University Press.

Mace, Chris (red.) (1999): Heart & Soul - The therapeutic face of philosophy. Routledge.

Marinoff. L. (1999): Plato not prozac! Applying philosophy to everyday problems. Harper Collins Publisher. New York.

Marinoff, L. (2002). Philosophical Practice. New York: Academic Press.

Morstein, Petra von (1994): “Wittgenstein on Philosophical Methods as Therapies“. I Zeitschrift für Philosophische Praxis (ZPP 2)

Nehamas, A. (1998): The Art of Living - Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault. University of California Press.

Nelson, Leonard: Gesammelte Schriften: Vorlesungen über die Grundlagen der Ethik, Vol. I: Kritik der praktischen Vernuft (1917); Vol. II: System der philosophischen Ethik und Pädagogik (1932, posthumt). Vol III: System der philosophische Rechtslehre und Politik (1924). 

Nelson, Leonard (1949/1956): Socratic Method and Critical Philosophy - Selected Essays. New York, Dover Publications.

Nussbaum, M. (1994): The Therapy of Desire. Princeton.

Nussbaum, M. (1997): Cultivating Humanity - A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education. Havard University Press.

Paden, R. (1998): “Defining Philosophical Counseling”. International Journal of Applied Philosophy (ed. Elliot Cohen). Vol. 12: 1 (Spring).

Raabe, P. (1998): ”Philosophy of Philosophical Counseling”. (Paper præsenteret på den fjerdeThe konference om Philosophical Practice i Køln, August 3-7, 1998.)

Raabe, P. (2001): Philophical Counseling: Theory and Practice. Praeger.

Ruschmann, E. (1998): “Foundations of Philosophical Counseling”. Inquiry (Spring, Vol. XVII, No. 3)

Schuster, S.: (1999): Philosophy Practice - An Alternative to Counseling and Psychotherapy. Praeger.

Shusterman, R. (1997): Practicing Philosophy - Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life. Routledge.

Siebert, U. (1997): Das Sokratische Gespräch. Weber, Zucht & Co

Stone, H.W. (1994): Brief Pastoral Counseling: Short-Term Approach and Strategies. Fortress Press.

Svare, H. & Herrestad, H. (2004). Filosofi fot livet: En bok om filosofisk praksis. Oslo: Unipubforlag.

Thoreau, H.D.(1962/1854): Walden eller Livet i skovene. Det danske Forlag.

van der Leeuw, K. (1998): “Socratic Dialouge and the Search for Truth”. Paper præsenteret på konferencen Socratic Dialogue at Work. Leusden, august 15.

Walker. M. B. (2017). Slow Philosophy: Reading against the Institution. London: Bloomsbury.

Zdrenka, M. (1997): Konzeptionen und Probleme der Philosophischen Praxis. Dinter: Köln.


Se også Kompendium til filosofisk vejledning, Mastermodul 3b for Masteruddannelsen i Vejledning på DPU, 2006, redigeret af Finn T. Hansen (DPU). Kompendium skulle kunne læses/kopieres på semesterhylden. Her er oversigten over dens indholdsfortegnelse:


Om forholdet mellem vejledningsteori, pædagogik og filosofisk vejledning


“Changing career: the role of values” by Wendy Patton in The Future of Career (2000) (ed. A. Collin and R. Young). Cambridge University Press...........................................................................x

“Getting curious about meaning-making in counselling [1”] by Tom Strong in British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, Vol. 31, No. 3, August 2003....................................................................xx


“Hermeneutic-narrative approach to career counselling: An alternative to postmodernism” by Amundson, N. & E. Thrift (2005). I Perspectives in Education. University of Pretoria, South Africa................................................................................................................................xx


“Eros, Authenticity and Bildung as Keywords for Philosophical Practice in Teacher Training” by F.T. Hansen (paper for the 7th International Conference on PhilosophicalPractice, august 2004...................................................xx


“Den filosofiske vejledningspraksis i spændingsfeltet mellem autenticitet, dannelse og eksistens” by F.T. Hansen. In Filosofi (Filosofilærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF), Nr. 1, Feb. 2004................xx


“Livsmening, tavs viden og filosofisk vejledning” by F.T. Hansen. In Vejbred - en antologi om vejledning.(ed. Peter Plant). Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag (2005)...................xx


“Dannelse er ‘at fatte Uendeligheden i Uvidenhedens form’”. In Dannelse mellem subjektet og det almene (ed. Bergsted, B. & J. Lieberkind). Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag (2006) ..........................................................................................................................................xx



Hvad er filosofisk vejledning og den filosofiske praksis?


“About the center of philosophical practice” by Gerd Achenbach, lecture at the opening of the 2th international conference on Philosophical Practice, Leusden, august 1996.......................................xx


“On Wisdom in Philosophical Practice” by Gerd Achenbach. In Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplins, Spring, 1997, Vol. XVII, No. 3.................................................................................xx


“Philosophical Practice opens up the Trace to Lebenskönnerscahft” by Gerd Achenbach. Philosophy in Society (ed. Herrestand et al). Unipub, 2002................................................................xx


“What is Philosophical in Philosophical Counselling?” by Ran Lahav, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1996.....................................................................................................xx


“Philosophical Counseling and the Search for Wisdom” by Ran Lahav, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, August 1996.......................................xx


“The Efficacy Of Philosophical Counselling: A First Outcome Study” by Ran Lahav, in Practical Philosophy - Journal of the Society for Philosophy in Practice,Vol 4, No. 2, August 2001................xx


“Philosophical Counselling, Truth and Self-Interpretation” by David Jopling, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1996.......................................................................................................xx


“The ‘Person’ in Philosophical Counselling vs. Psychotherapy and the Possibility of Interchange between the Fields” by Rachel Blass. Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 13, No. 3........................xx


“On the possibility of Self-Transcendence: Philosophical Counseling, Zen and the Phychological Perspective”. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23, 1996.....................................................................xx


“Free Speech and the Space of Not Knowing: Towards a Contemplative Approach to Philosophical Counselling Practice” by Lia Keuchenius. In Thinking Through Dialogue - Essays on Philosophy in Practice (ed. Trevor Curnow). Practical Philosophical Press, 2001.............................................xx


“What The Other Says - And What (S)He Talks About: Some Foundations of a Theory of Philosophical Practice” by Anders Lindseth. In Thinking Through Dialogue, 2001............................xx


“What is at Stake?” by Anders Lindseth. Philosophy in Society (ed. Herrestad et al.). Unipub,



“Dannelsessnobbismen: et misforrstått dannelsesideal i høyere utdanning” by Anders Lindseth. Uniped., Årg. 27, 2/2004...................................................................................................................xx



Den Sokratiske samtale og dialoggruppe


“Thinking about Dialogue” by Trevor Curnow in Thinking Through Dialogue, 2001...........xx


“The ‘Benefits’ of Socratic Dialogue” by Dries Boele in Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplins, Spring, Vol. XVII, No 3..............................................................................................xx


“Reflective Practice and Socratic Dialogue” by G. Todd. In Johns, C. & Freshwater, D. (2005) Transforming Nursing Through Reflective Practice. Blackwell Publishing..................................xx


“Using Socratic dialogue [in social education]” by Frank Philippart. Teaching Practical Ethics for the Social Professions (2003)(ed. Banks, S. & Nøhr, K.). FESET. .............................................xx


“Beyond appearance. Plato´s myth of the cave revisted”(forthcoming, 2005) by Jos Kessels......xx


Om forholdet mellem filosofisk vejledning, terapi og psykologisk vejledning


“Fænomenologi og psykologi” by K.E. Løgstrup fra hans essaysamling Solidaritet og Kærlighed. Gyldendal, 1987.............................................................................................................................xx


“Philosophy as if it matters: The Practice of Philosophical Counseling” by S. Schuster. Critical Review, Vol 6, No. 4, 1993. .......................................................................................................xx


“‘First Do No Harm’: Over-Philosophizing and Pseudo-Philosophizing in Philosophical Counselling by David Jopling i Inquiry, 1997..................................................................................xx


“Philosophy as a Therapeutic Activity” by Steven Segal i Inquiry, 1997................................xx


“The Art of Living: Philosophical Contributions to Psychotherapy”, The British Psychological Society, Psychotherapy Section Newsletter, No. 25, June 1999......................................................xx


“Varities of Philosophical Wisdom in a Therapeutic Context” by David O´Donaghue & L. Hursh.

Thinking Trough Dialogue, 2001.......................................................................................................xx


“Defining Philosophical Counselling” by Roger Paden. International Journal of Applied Philosophy (ed. Elliot Cohen), Vol. 12, Spring 1998.


“On the Possibility of a Dialogue Between Philosophical Counseling and Existential Psychotherapy” by Ran Lahav (paper givet ved den 5 International konference i Philosophical Practice, Oxford, 1999........................................................................................................................xx